I never understood God's timing. I still don't. It is astounding though. I looked back at my blog from 2009, when I didn't even know Austin existed, and just want to go back and tell me from almost two years ago to wait and be patient because good things are on the horizon. Some things were pruned away in a painful way, but it's all brought me right here, living in this dorm, getting ready to graduate, and get married. This is such a transitional period, too. And to be honest, I don't like it. It's the waiting, but also feeling like nothing is going on sometimes. Like I am seriously just rolling through the days and weeks and wondering when it's going to be June 10th. And that is 1) so, so selfish! 2) completely silly. If there is anything I should have learned by now, it is that God has me where He does for a reason. I think of Esther, when she was just being primped in the palace for a year before Xerxes made his decision to be queen. In the VeggieTales version of the story, she doesn't want to do it. And who would? Every little girl dreams of her gallant knight sweeping her off her feet... not being shoved into a "relationship" because of her beauty. But, God put her there for a reason. Something bigger than her, something bigger than right now, and something that definitely involved waiting. God put Esther there "for such a time as this."
So while I wait, and make silly decisions like plastic or china, and cake flavors and party favors, I know that the places He puts me and the time He gives me are not to be wasted or taken lightly. Every moment is precious.
"We care for one thing: Does the Jesus Christ, the Lord of heaven and earth, approve of what I am saying and doing?"
-John Piper
Just something to think about... and mostly a self-reminder.
P.S.- mom's hair is growing back, it's just peach fuzz. She's really cute with such little hair! And it is so so soft!
P.P.S - 110 days until I am a Haynes!
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